Tuesday, September 29, 2015

09.29.15 Just a Tuesday in September

Today is a typical Tuesday for us. You are 9 months and 3 weeks old and you are our world. I treasure the moments that seem mundane the most. I know that what is considered our current "normal day" will be completely different in even a month.

Today, you woke up at about 6:20 am in your crib. I could hear you talking softly in your bed. Then, you chattered more and cruised around the perimeter of your crib. Today, was different in that you did not immediately call for me, stare at the camera, or pull on the camera cord to get my attention. You just explored your crib and enjoyed your morning. I dozed but kept an eye on you. You found your diaper station attached to your crib. You played for it a bit and pulled out just one diaper. You sat in the middle of your bed and played for it a bit. Maybe you were contemplating changing yourself. I bet you were. At about 6:50 am you laid down, rested, and played with your breathable bumpers. You still never called for me and I thought you might try to go back to sleep. At 7:10 am I quietly tip toed into your room and peeked over your railing. You sat up and gave be your biggest, best, grin. That smile went all the way up to your eyes, squinting them even. I picked you up, reciprocating that grin, and you held my cheeks close and gave me the biggest kiss. A 10 second, strong, your mouth surrounding my entire mouth, kiss. What a way to start a morning, kid. 

 I brought you into our bed to cuddle for a few minutes. I changed your diaper while you played with your toes, bit your finger, and rubbed the silky edge of our quilt. I plopped you down between me and Daddy. You crawled over to kissed Daddy's tattoo, the Radiohead bear, and gave him some love pats, trying to get his attention. When he rolled over to greet you, you gave him a little grin, and scrunched your nose, endearingly. You tried to give him a few kisses, leaning in 90%, but he didn't come the extra 10% (mainly because he was mostly still asleep) so you let it go. You bounced on your knees, practiced clapping, talked softly, and squealed a bit, telling us about your sweet baby boy dreams. You crawled for the curtains a few times and hugged Daddy. I got up to go tame my crazy hair, brush my teeth, and get you ready for the day. You cuddled with Daddy for a little while  and then he put you in your kitchen jumper while he got 3 bottles, two baby spoons, and 1 pacifier washed, prepped, and packed for daycare. You got to play for a little bit in the living room while we went over our mental checklist, ran to add in bibs, baby food, puffs, and got you changed again and dressed for the day. Daddy threw on a shirt, moved the other car, brought our things out, and saw us off. I turned on classical music for you and drove you to Ingrid's house. You sang and talked the whole way today. You seem to fall asleep with talk radio and come alive with classical music. I would have thought it was the opposite. Daddy stayed, showered, and went off to work. 

I took you out of the car and you looked all around outside, watching the tall pecan trees sway in the morning breeze. It is funny that you try to help me get you out of your car seat now. Little things like that change so quickly. You also sit up when I unstrap you now. You were the first baby at daycare today so Ingrid and I chatted a little bit and I got to see you play for a second. You are always happy to see her and play with the toys she has out. She held you as you stood up and looked at her Lego station and watcher her roll a car. I asked her how she gets you down during nap time, as I tend to always do on Tuesdays it seems, and she told me. When you start to look tired, at least 40 minutes after a meal, she lays you down in your playpen, gives you your paci and a blanket and says, "night night." You typically just go to bed then, she said.

I went to work, had a completely packed schedule including two evals, wrote through lunch, and then got off early at 4:30 pm due to a no show. I also got you on some waiting lists for some good, art centered preschools in the area during lunch. At 4:32 pm, I eagerly arrived to pick you up but had to wait about 5 minutes for her to come to the door. I entered as Pepe nipped at my ankles, trying to protect you form me. I took you from Ingrid and you smiled and put your forehead to mine and rubbed noses with me. You had a poopy diaper so I changed you and chatted with Ingrid more about babies in general and what-not. She always tells me how smart you are and about the things you do. Today she told me you were hysterically laughing at Pepe, one of her Chihuahuas, when he was doing something silly today. Her phone was charging but she wanted to film it.  We loaded you up and headed home. More classical music was played, and more baby singing was heard. You had some very creative vocal play and monster noises on this trip back. 

At home, I juggled you, my work bag, the diaper bag, and the keys to open both locks and get us in the door. I can't wait until we re-key the house. We let out the puppies to potty then you played with your firetruck toy, siting on the bathroom floor, while I changed out of my work clothes in the bathroom. You touched each part of the firetruck, focusing mostly on the lights and the yellow hose on the side. You rolled it and made some choppy, "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" robotic sound effects. You clapped for yourself. 

 We played on the living room floor for hours and in your bedroom for a bit. We sang lots of songs and practiced body part vocabulary. Today, you were most interested in your wooden block stacking train. You tasted, rotated, touched, and analyzed your blocks. You knocked over the train, pushed it to roll it, took off blocks, and almost seemed to sort your blocks into a blue group and a green group. You preferred the rich green blocks today. You enjoyed Mommy making  choo choo sounds and re-stacking your train. You giggled and eagerly crawled to your horsie. You gave him a big kiss and then picked up your monkey. Monkey got lots of little mouth kisses and big over the mouth kisses too. It was so sweet that I tried to Facetime Grandma but I was too late. We ended up Facetiming Nanny and Grandma anyway though and even saw Aunt Kasey and Papa. You got to see Gabby too but she was busy playing with her friends. (She was reading a book today!) You showed off a few tricks and then started rubbing your face on me or on the side of the ball pit repeatedly, indicating that you were tired. They secured a repeat of our fun for tomorrow and we hung up. 

We went to the kitchen and you enjoyed some playtime in your jumper while I made you some dinner. You played us some music and watched the puppies eat and wrestle. You found some left over breakfast puffs and had a snack too. You had mango, millet, sweet potato, cheese, sweet potato puffs, and formula for dinner. You like to look at your food before you take a bite at the start of your meal. You like to touch your food too. You fed yourself all of your finger food and I spoon fed you your puree. I also gave you your "candy," as we call it. That is otherwise known as Zyrtec. You had a few deep coughs earlier, randomly, so we are trying to stay ahead of it. You are a champ when it comes to medicine. We cuddled on the couch as I gave you your bottle. You only took half today which was odd but you were very tired. You were so tired that we had to even skip your bath because I could't see you sitting up the whole time in the tub.

We changed you into some 9 month old pajamas, a size 5 diaper for night time, and a sleep sack. You took your paci and alternated between wanting to be held and wanting to get down. We read some books and then I brought you to your room, turned on your white noise machine, our fan, and proceeded to rock you. After about 5 minutes, I laid you down in our bed and you relaxed much more. I brought you to your bed, gave you a soft R2D2 toy, and a soft/silky blanket and told you, "night night; I love you."  You rolled on your side and relaxed. I watched you rub your blanket, spit out your paci, and fall to sleep. A simple end to an ordinary but beautiful day. 

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